Stillpoint Therapeutic Massage

Stillpoint Therapeutic Massage (STM) spans a wide variety of therapeutic manual approaches to improve health and well being through hands-on manipulation of muscles and soft tissue structures to prevent and alleviate pain, muscle spasms, stress and injury, including childhood neuromuscular disorders. This bodywork improves the functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems and assists the body’s recovery rate from injury and stress.

The School of Integrated Movement Studies (SIMS) connects and supports individuals and organizations, transforming Body Intelligence into wellbeing and effective action.  Body Intelligence embraces the concept of innate wisdom of body experience acquired throughout our lives. Our physical bodies change in response to experience. This experience is influenced by the structure and function of our bodies. With this integrative perspective we explore how sensations, feelings and actions are embodied, how they are discovered in our expression of physicality, posture and movement. Awareness of body wisdom enhances and empowers us by assisting with dynamic balance and integrated body function affecting ease, presence, creativity and cognition. This in turn influences positive change in quality of life.

Core-based movement and strengthening series is designed to develop flexibility, improve endurance and increase range of motion. Breath-work, grounding studies, awareness practice, self massage and stretching sequences create a balance to the movement and strengthening series.

Emphasis on gravitational and energetic centering and alignment enhances awareness of the body in stillness and motion. Improvements will be noticed in the effectiveness of movement, balance of form, flow of energy and the development of innate physical strength and stamina. Ultimately these improvements benefit and enhance the endocrine, circulatory, visceral, nervous and structural systems.

STM-SIMS brings together the philosophy and training of 40 years in dance and healing practice by offering movement for health and manual therapy for healing and rejuvenation.

  • Develop, increase, maintain flexibility and range of motion

  • Improve strength and endurance

  • Improve alignment, posture, balance

  • Learn essential breathing techniques, increase lung capacity

  • Increase cardiovascular health

  • Improve back, hip, shoulder and knee pain

  • Learn self-massage and self-healing techniques

  • Increase vitality, fortify the innate constitution

  • Increase bone density

  • Especially effective physical training for normalizing the metabolic changes of Childbirth, Peri-Menopause and Menopause

Stillpoint Therapeutic Massage and School of Integrated Movement Studies
Katherine Crow
South 819 Ivory
Spokane, Washington 99202
(509) 534-2075
(509) 953-7392 Cell
